
José Luis García Bravo, known as “Cheito”, began his artistic career in his native Huelva at the age of 7 with the group “Los Activos”, which began as a project called “Taller de compás flamenco Los Activos” in 1987, by the hand of the painter Joaquín Martín Jiménez.

This group became one of the most international mestizo and fusion flamenco groups in Spain. With it he toured several countries sharing the stage with artists such as Enrique Morente, La Martirio, Kiko Veneno, and Javier Barón, among others.

After this stage, he toured with Chano Domínguez, with the guitarist Manolo Franco, with the Carmen Larumbre company, with Cristina Hoyos’ company in the show “Tierra Adentro”, and with Antonio Andrade’s flamenco company in “Vaya con Dios” and “Mi Carmen Flamenca”.

Finally it is worth mentioning his participation in Andalusian Flamenco Ballet in 2017, touring with the show titled “Aquel Silverio” directed by Rafael Estévez.