Miguel Lavi

He was born in Jerez de la Frontera, in the mythical Plazuela, birthplace of prestigious artists such as La Paquera, Los Agujetas, and Los Moneos, among others.

He made his debut at the age of twelve in La Peña Agujetas el Viejo in Rota, Cádiz. In 1998 he went to Japan with the renowned dancers Andrés Peña and Mercedes Ruíz. Later he returned to Japan to collaborate in several shows of the master Kojima.

In 1999 he travelled to Barcelona, where he worked in the Tablao “El Cordobés” for five years, alternating with artists of the stature of Antonio Canales, Duquende or Belén Maya. In that year he also participated in the works “Somorrostro” and “Los Tarantos” under the direction of Javier Latorre.

In 2004 he began a tour of Mexico with the masters Antonio Canales, La Moneta, Pepe Torres and Mercedes Ruiz. In 2008 he is programmed in the Festival de Jerez, where he gives a solo recital with the guitar of Diego del Morao in the Palacio de Villavicencio, obtaining great success from critics and public.

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